Here is what you need to know:
This app is available (and also free) for TIMIFY Enterprise plans from the App Marketplace.
The Invoice App can be used in English, German, French, and Spanish.
You can use the app from our Web App, but not directly from the Branch Manager
Article structure:
1.1. Company Information
1.2. Invoice Settings
1.3. Tax Settings
1.4. Branding Settings
1.5. Customer Data Fields
4. FAQ
1. How to Set Up the App
The Invoice App can be accessed from the Apps tab inside the navigation menu on the left.
After you install and open the app, you will go through the onboarding process, which will help you set up everything in a few easy steps.
ℹ️ Note: These settings can be changed later from the Settings tab.
1.1. Company Information
First, you must enter your company information, including bank details and VAT/TAX ID.
1.2. Invoice Settings
After filling them out, it's time to choose the invoice settings, where you can also select the option to create invoices for Split, Combined, and Group Services.

In the main part of the settings, you can set an Invoice Prefix, the Due Period (the period within which invoices must be paid), and the Language of the invoice.

ℹ️ Note: For Group Bookings, you can create individual invoices (for all selected participants at once) or a single invoice (for all or selected participants, but only one customer will receive the invoice).
One of the biggest advantages of the Invoice App is the Invoice automation feature, which lets you automate the generation of invoices and save a lot of valuable time.

You can automate invoices for all services: as soon as a service has taken place, the corresponding invoice will appear in the Invoices tab. This only applies so long as a service, price, customer name, address, and email are available.
ℹ️ Note: Invoice automation is not available for Group Bookings.
If a customer has paid online in advance, then you can also automatically mark the invoice status as "Paid" without having to go through each one manually.

Another setting that you can change is whether you want the automatically generated invoices to be tax-inclusive or exclusive by default.
1.3. Tax Settings
If your services have different tax percentages, the next step of the onboarding will help you set that up. You can also create a Default tax group that will include all services without an assigned tax.

Lastly, you can choose whether you want to send emails automatically with the created invoices to customers (only those who have filled in the email data field). If you disable this setting, then no email will be sent unless you do it manually.
1.4. Branding Settings
You have the option of applying customisations to the invoice, such as including your own logo, adding a subject and notes to the invoice, or changing the email subject and text for the Open and Paid Invoice Email Templates.
1.5. Customer Data Fields
At the end, you will be asked to match the data fields in your invoice with those from the customer's profile.

2. Adding an Invoice Manually
If you decide to add an Invoice manually, you can do so by going to the Invoices tab and clicking on the red Add button (another alternative is to do it from the Archive tab).

Then, a new screen will pop up, where you will have to enter the invoice details.
First, select which customer will receive the invoice. If they aren't in the database, you can choose New Customer and fill out the required information.
ℹ️ Note: If the customer is a legal entity, click the toggle button and fill out their company details.

After you've done this, select the Invoice date, the Due date, and the Item or Service for which you are invoicing your customer (it can be an already existing one, or you can type out its name and create it now by clicking on the Add button).
You can also specify whether tax should be applied and see the final amount due.

If this is for an existing customer, you can add a non-invoiced booking to the current invoice you are creating. Simply write the customer's name at the top and then you will see all of their unprocessed bookings and choose which ones to add to the invoice by clicking on the grey plus icon.
Then, choose the applicable tax group (you probably created it during the onboarding, if not, go to the Settings tab and add it from there), the amount the service costs, and if there is a discount.
️ℹ️ Note: Taxes saved for specific Services or saved as a default tax will be automatically filled-in next to the service.
After creating an invoice, you can send it to the customer, and when they've paid, simply click on Record payment so that the invoice status is changed to Paid.
If you want to revoke an invoice you've created, just open the invoice in question and click on the Revoke button at the bottom.
️ℹ️ Note: Invoices generated by the TIMIFY Invoice App are not 100% tax compliant in all countries due to differences in tax legislation.
3. Fullscreen View
The Invoice App also has a fullscreen version, which provides you with a lot of additional functionalities.
To activate it, you need to click on the gears icon in the top left corner of your calender, and then turn on the "Enable the App Dock" setting.
You will see a small dock under the calendar, where you pin the Invoice App app for quick access to its fullscreen version.
You will see a small dock under the calendar, where you pin the Invoice App for quick access to its fullscreen version.

The first difference you'll notice is the Statistics screen in the right section of the "Today's bookings "tab. There, you can find daily statistics regarding the invoiced amount, services, and payment methods.

The same type of statistics will appear in the "Invoices" tab, but here, it shows you a breakdown of the invoice status and the payment methods.

Lastly, when you create an invoice in the fullscreen version, you get a live preview of how it will look like.

4. FAQ
Q. What info can be found in the different tabs?
Today’s Bookings: You see all bookings that have taken place today (and not those that have been booked today)
The Invoices tab is a collection of all issued invoices. If your client has not generated any invoices, you won't see them there.
The Archive tab is for all past bookings. It shows bookings with or without generated invoices.
Q. When is an invoice created for a booking the customer has paid for online?
The Invoice App only creates invoices when the booking is over. You can make a booking and pay today. For example, if the booking takes place in a month, the invoice is created on the day of the booking.
Q. Can I change the invoice number retrospectively?
No, that is not possible. If you have entered something incorrectly, you can cancel the invoice and create a new one.
Q. Can I adjust the prefix number?
No, this is only possible during onboarding.