Here is what you need to know
ℹ️ IMPORTANT: the "Standard Survey" is pre-activated to go out to customers after they attend any service and/or group booking. To edit or deactivate this survey, read the "How to edit the Standard Survey" section below.
This is a private app: contact your Account Manager or the TIMIFY Support Team for more information
Article structure:
2. How to edit the Standard Survey
3. How to manage your survey settings
4. How to check if a survey is sent
1. How to add the Survey App
Since the app is private, you need to get in touch with our Support Team and send them the Access Key which can be generated from the Apps -> Private App section.

2. How to edit the Standard Survey
This is important: as soon as you download the app (or transfer over from using the Feedback App), a survey, "Standard Survey" will display under the "Survey templates" tab. This two question survey is set by default to go out to your customers following on from their attending any service or group with you. For that reason, we recommend that you edit this survey as a priority. Simply click on the edit button, marked out below, to open the survey template.

The first question displays automatically; to view the second question, you need to expand the view.
Tip: Click on the arrow to expand (or close) a question form - we drew a circle around this setting below.
Tip: Click and hold the reorder icon to drag and drop questions - we pointed this setting out using the arrow below.

The first question uses a simple text box, or "Comment box", for the customer to complete (see above).

The second question uses a star rating, with a range of five pre-selected. You can adjust this to display anywhere from 3-10. We have also pre-selected Add multiple options for rating: this allows you to gather further information on the variables we added. What is more, you can select your preferred icon, and even your preferred colour. (See above)
Note, for both questions, the Make response mandatory checkbox is selected. This means customers must complete the questions to submit the survey.
If you want, you can edit the existing questions, delete them, or add more. Other question response forms include multiple-choice and checkboxes.

What single services and group services do you want the survey to go out for? The survey is set by default to go out to all your existing services and group services. In our example above, we changed this: we selected a couple of services, and all group services that get added directly in the calendar:

Lastly, the settings for this survey. You will see the box is checked for the survey to be activated. Surveys will only be sent if you select this box. The other settings allow you to override the standard communication settings. Click save, and you are done.
3. How to manage your survey settings
Go to the Settings tab, highlighted below.
Tip: the settings you apply here, will apply to all the surveys you create. You can always apply customised settings for individual surveys.
Customer Consent - here you can select a policy, this is an opt-in option to turn on for your end-customers who would have to agree that they want to be sent a survey after the booking. It is a GDPR-compliant option.
Use Enterprise rule - if you have a Branch Manager and have installed the app from the Global Apps menu, the settings for the Policy defined there will apply when this check box is marked to all branches. In case you need to change that for a specific branch, juts untick the checkbox and the options to choose will appear.
Simple Opt-in - Customers can opt in to receive a survey email each time they book online using the booking widget. It is a simple option where a tick box will be shown in the widget before the booking is completed.
ℹ️ Once the customer ticks the checkbox in the widget, only then will he/she get the survey after the booking.
Double Opt-in - if you choose this option, you will have a checkbox to tick during the booking process (just like for Single Opt-in) - you can see it both for widget & calendar bookings. Once ticked and the booking is completed, you will receive 2 emails: the regular, booking confirmation mail and a survey double opt-in confirmation for you to confirm that you indeed want to get a survey after the booking takes place.
ℹ️ Have in mind that each time the app is installed, the checkbox data field gets installed as well with it. This is a regular data field which you can find in Customers > Data Fields.
You can upload a photo or your logo - this is optional. Whatever you choose to upload, it will appear on your survey landing page for all surveys.
Select when the customer email, which includes the link to your survey, should be sent - and if it should be sent more than once.

There are three customisable communication points: the email that goes out to customers, asking them to complete the survey: the survey landing page; and the survey "success" page - this appears after your customer answers their last question. We provide a list of variables for you to use in-app so that you can personalise your messaging.
ℹ️ Important: remember to leave a gap before the first "%" and after the last "%" sign if you use variables! E.g. Dear %CUSTOMER_NAME% ,
ℹ️ Important: don't leave space between the "%" and the variable. It should be always "%CUS…" and not "% CUS…"

Note the settings options:

And, here is something really handy: you can preview your survey - the email, landing page, survey, and success page. Simply select the survey you want to test, your email address, and hit send.

4. How to check if a survey is sent
You can check all sent surveys from the tab Sent Survey. There you can search by customer name or email, filter by month, service or group service.

The shown surveys will indicate the date and time when it was sent, but here you will not see if the survey email was opened, delivered or had some bounce back issues.
To check what is the current status of a survey sent to a client, please head to Notifications tab in the main menu and open Email Status section.

Here you need to use the Segment filter and select Apps. Bear in mind that if you have other apps, such as Google Calendar sync or Office 365, it will also show those emails here. The emails can be differentiated by checking the app name above the email status, in the image above you can see all are with TIMIFY SURVEY.
When you hover over the status (OPENED, SENT, HARD BOUNCE) you will receive additional information from our mail provider SendGrid, stating the reason of the given status: