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Artificial Intelligence: The Effects On Writing & Online Business

Matt Pierce
By Matt Pierce
12 March, 2024

Read this article to learn about the impact of AI on writers, bloggers, e-commerce, and other online businesses. Real studies and statistics are included.

an imagen representing the effect of AI in business

How Does AI Affect Writers And Online Business?

Compared to 20 years ago, the task of writing articles was daunting and often time-consuming. Even recent studies say that writing 2,000-5,000 words can take 20-25 hours for beginner writers, according to

Thankfully, after the advancement of AI writing tools, writing an article now takes a fraction of the time it once did, bringing immeasurable benefits for bloggers and writers.

Artificial intelligence can impact businesses in numerous ways. It can cut operational costs in half, increase revenue, and even help improve customer service. AI gives us the ability to produce content faster than ever. It enables us to automate many tasks that would otherwise require human interaction. 

There’s no doubt AI will have a dramatic impact on the businesses of the future, but here we look at how AI is impacting businesses and writers today.

1.    Improves Speed & Productivity

statistic about how much productivity increases with AI

Increased efficiency is arguably the most valuable benefit of using AI tools for writers. AI writing tools help bloggers quicken their writing process, reducing the time required to generate, edit, and proofread content. Writing a 5,000-word article no longer takes 20 hours to complete.  

Generative AI especially has had immense impacts on producing content faster. It’s aided blogging businesses, programming, and dozens of other online occupations. 

For companies with a busy content calendar, full off planned articles with tight deadlines, AI-based tools can double or even triple their content production rate.  

Writing tools are not the only way AI increases speed for businesses. Websites with automated chat assistants have also improved benefitted from AI, with studies stating AI chat assistants can offer up to 30 times faster customer service. 

2.    Improve Engagement

AI tools can analyze data on the internet to track things like user behavior, content performance metrics, social media engagement, A/B testing, and more. This saves tons of time since you’d otherwise need to do these things manually.

There are a multitude of ways that AI can improve customer engagement. How many times have you seen an ad for something immediately after watching a video about it? You can thank AI data collection for that, a form of AI that tracks user habits and interests.  

AI can keep track of important data about potential leads. It can use this data to make personalized decisions on how to engage with the customer, such as how to most effectively  capture the attention of users scrolling through social media. AI can even do things like automatically schedule appointments for your business. 

3.    Saves Money

Artificial intelligence can dramatically impact savings for your  business. For example, an AI customer service assistant can replace a live employee. Various jobs are at risk of being replaced by AI, the most likely being web development. 

Different forms of AI can also save businesses money with automated marketing campaigns, fraud detection tools, automated pricing strategies, etc.

statistics about what occupations are most at risk of being replaced by ai

4.    Generate and Enhance Content Ideas

AI-based tools can create incredible ideas for new content. It can generate email templates and subject lines, think of funny jokes, or create thousands of interesting topics to write about. 

Also, AI-powered grammar checkers provide better-quality written content by giving you real-time suggestions for editing your writing. AI can also provide you with real-time facts and data that would otherwise be difficult to find.

5.    Improve SEO Strategies

Writers can leverage AI writing tools to optimize their content for search engines. Some AI-based tools, like SurferSEO, can add keywords to the content they generate. This can improve visibility and increase organic traffic to their website. 

Some other AI tools can also help your site rank on search engines. For example, chatGPT or Jasper AI can quickly create blog posts and articles with specific instructions to focus on keywords or hot topics. This allows bloggers to publish high-quality articles targeted around SEO strategy, increasing their chances of ranking on Google. 

6.    Improve Email Marketing 

AI tools can also improve email marketing strategies. They can optimize subject lines, personalize, collect data, create trendy email designs, and more. Considering how email marketing is a large part of most marketing strategies, it makes sense to use the right AI tools if they can speed things up. 

7.    Plagiarism Detection

For writers especially, AI-based plagiarism detection tools help check the originality of their content. AI does this by identifying duplicate text.

AI Has Vast Impacts On Ecommerce

Artificial Intelligence has profoundly affected the world of e-commerce, revolutionizing how online businesses operate. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, AI in e-commerce has the potential to generate $1.7 trillion in value annually -  not exactly pocket change. 

Here's how AI is currently influencing e-commerce:

  • AI-driven Personalization: E-commerce platforms can use AI tools to analyze data on customer behavior, giving them the ability to personalize their product recommendations. A study by Segment found that 49% of consumers have made impulse purchases due to personalized recommendations. That’s nearly half of all shoppers. 
  • Improved Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots give instant customer support to prospects, making the buying process more efficient. This can help increase sales.
  • Dynamic Pricing Strategies: AI algorithms can analyze trends in the market, competitor pricing, and customer behavior to optimize the prices of your products and services. This can lead to increases in revenue. A Harvard Business Review study showed that a 1% price optimization can result in an 11% increase in profits.
  • Fraud Detection and Prevention: AI-based fraud tools can help prevent fraud in e-commerce transactions. 
  • AI Image Search: AI gives customers access to visual search, allowing them to search for products using images. This technology improves customer experience and can increase sales since it allows customers to search for things in various ways. 

AI is a cornerstone of e-commerce evolution, improving efficiency, personalization, and profitability, enhancing the way online businesses interact with their customers.

AI Writing Tools Are Useful, But Not Perfect

Did you know even big companies like CNET, LinkedIn, Bankrate, and many others use AI to create content? Numerous studies claim that over 80% of companies now use AI technology in some form. It’s safe to say that this percentage will significantly increase in the coming years. 

Generative AI can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Some of those include generating images, solving math problems, explaining complex topics, and even booking a sales meeting. However, writing tools aren’t perfect. When using them, it’s necessary to read and edit every word. 

Most writers know that AI isn’t ideal for creating entire articles ready to be published. They must be edited, at least if you want good content. When AI tools create articles without any human editing, they often produce poor content.  

For example, if you tell chatGPT to “Write a 1,000-word article about the future of AI”, the unedited article wouldn’t sound very human-like. For most people, an unedited article written by chatGPT will usually sound unnatural and a bit robotic. If that isn’t the case, other things might be a bit odd about the writing. 

An article generated by chatGPT might present some real facts, interesting bullet points, and ordered lists. However, in addition to the unnatural-sounding content, some of the facts presented may not be accurate. 

This is why chatGPT lists at the bottom of the messaging platform “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.” 

an screenshot of a conversation with chatgpt

Of course, there are different ways you can have chatGPT alter the style of your content, like changing the tone. For example, you can use a few different tone modifiers:

  • Friendly 
  • Casual
  • Professional
  • Informative
  • Funny
  • Persuasive  

Using these tone modifiers will completely change the vocabulary of the writing. The content may even seem written by a completely different person. While this can improve the suitability of the article for your needs, remember  it will still need to be checked edited before publication. 

a table with chatgpt tone modifiers

AI Can Be Good And Bad For Writing

Saying AI is useful for writers is a huge understatement. Whether you’re a blog writer, an email marketer, a college student, or anything in between… AI can save you loads of time, energy, and money. 

Nevertheless, many people question the integrity of content created with generative AI. Some say it eliminates the human element in organically written articles, or prevents students from learning when writing with AI tools. 

Writers can pump out content in mass amounts, but is AI-written content always high quality? Unfortunately no, since many writers simply don’t use AI properly. That doesn’t go for everyone though. Many informative, high-ranking articles on the internet are created using AI. When used correctly, AI produces incredible content.  

With AI rapidly progressing, its relevance will only increase in the future. The possibilities of what can happen in 20 years are endless. Who knows the significance that AI will have just a few short decades from now?

Matt Pierce

About the author

Matt Pierce

Matt Pierce is an SEO specialist and blogger from California. He is the founder of, a website about tech.

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