Tips & Resources

Boosting Productivity on the Go: 12 Tips for Remote Work While Traveling

Haley Osborne
By Haley Osborne
20 February, 2024

Discover top strategies for maximizing productivity while working remotely on the move with these 12 essential tips. Stay efficient and focused while traveling with expert advice tailored for remote workers.

a map with a computer, passport and camera on top of it

Sea, sun, palm trees - and a laptop on your lap. At first glance, a dream job.

Remote work offers many advantages, including the opportunity to travel without sacrificing work commitments. Such trips make life brighter and richer, help reboot, and give additional motivation. But it is often difficult to combine work and travel. Our tips below try to help solve this problem.

The right mood

When we arrive in a new place, we habitually switch on "tourist mode". The brain goes into a special state where we lose track of time and get into unrestrained relaxation and exploration of new territories. It is challenging to keep the working mood in such a state. As a result, we fall out of the work schedule and miss important deadlines or online meetings. Traveling turns out to be stressful and hectic. Eventually, if a person gets burned out multiple times on working breaks, they lose the desire to travel.

To combine quality rest with productive work, remember the main rule of a tourist in a remote location - do not treat the trip as a journey. That is, it is important to learn how to maintain a balance between work and rest so that one does not harm the other. A few tricks will help you not lose your work mindset.

Adjust to the time zone at once 

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Physical condition is what primarily affects our performance. Therefore, take care in advance to quickly adjust to a different time. For example, get tickets to arrive at your destination in the evening. Then it will be light all the way, and easier not to fall asleep, helping you to go to bed and wake up according to the local time. 

Adhere to the sleep and nutrition regimen

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When traveling and working remotely, going to bed at the same time is imperative. Also, try to keep the usual dietary regimen in the first few days, trying to  focus on lighter foods. All this will support the body during the period of adaptation.

Keep the usual routine

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It's important to stick to your daily habits when traveling. This could be morning exercise and coffee, meditation, or journaling - things you do daily at home. This will remind you that you are not an idle traveler but a regular person who is just "living life" in different places.

Go for a hiking activity

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Traveling to different countries means new towns, mountains, and hiking trips. Hiking is not only a means of physical exertion but also a powerful tool for improving physical and mental health. 

With hiking, you can easily improve your mental health as well as reduce the probability of burnout. Every country has "health trails". You can choose routes of varying lengths, ranging from shorter walks to demanding weekend routes. This allows you to organize hikes depending on your schedule and physical fitness. Regardless of the route you choose, you will receive many benefits for your health and well-being.

You can contact a trekking company, where experts will thoroughly prepare the entire route for you. They can write down where you can be at what time, where you can find connection and internet, etc. 

Bookatrekking offers ready-made travel itineraries, allowing remote workers to calculate their time, make a work schedule, etc. With such an approach, you can plan your day in advance, identify mandatory tasks, and allocate enough time to work.

Choose accommodation with a kitchen

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Try to pick an apartment with the ability to cook your own food. In the first instance, this will help reduce the temptation to constantly go out to restaurants or cafes. Secondly, it will also keep you in a more balanced and focussed mood, which will help you to work more effectively.

Conditions for work

Of course, the mood alone is insufficient for work to be done well and on time. It is important to also take care of the organization of the work process itself in advance. Plan for  the time, place, and resources needed to fulfill your duties.

Follow the schedule of the working day

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Time management when combining travel and remote work plays a special role. Do not rely on chance and hope that you will have time to work "somewhere on the way to the museum or at lunch in a coastal cafe". 

This is especially true if you are planning a hike in the mountains. Suppose you are going on a climbing trip. You must think about everything beforehand and understand how to combine work with a hike.

Work first - then impressions

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Planning your work for the first half of the day is advisable. After all, when you are in a new country, your days are filled with excitement and activities. If you live a "tourist" lifestyle, you can run out of energy by the end of the day, and fatigue accumulates. Therefore, there is a danger that if you postpone important tasks to the evening, you risk not getting to them. It is better to build a schedule so that you finish all your work before lunch and then calmly, and with a sense of accomplishment, enjoy a foreign country and even chill out on the beach.

Organize your workplace

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All remote workers have long understood that it is necessary to allocate a specific place in the room for productive remote work. When traveling, this rule is no less relevant. As soon as you move into a new home, determine where you will work and arrange it accordingly. If you are traveling with companions, talk to them in advance about the condition: you will need to allocate time and space for work. The best option is to choose accommodation with a separate room where you will not be distracted.

Take care of the availability of the Internet

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Remote work most often implies the need to constantly connect to the Internet. This is usually taken for granted when you’re at home. But when traveling, it is essential  to plan in advance. When choosing accommodation, ensure you can get in touch with colleagues, submit a report, or make edits to an article whenever you need to.

Rest conditions

The need to work while traveling, in any case, also affects rest. It mainly affects the time and energy we have left for leisure activities. Choose accommodation in the area you want to explore to make the most of your resources. Then you won't have to spend time traveling. Alternatively, stay in a city center, and you'll have easier access to the city's most popular tourist spots.

Think about domestic services in advance

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When we arrive in a new country, we may need the services of different tradespeople. Find the nearest hairdresser, store, cheap restaurant, dry cleaner, etc. It is desirable to prepare for the trip in advance and make a list of such places and specialists so as not to spend time and effort searching for them later.

Set aside time for traveling

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As a rule, it is very difficult to work while traveling from one place to another. This is often due to poor internet, especially when it comes to trains or planes. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will fall out of schedule while traveling. It's better to consider this at the stage of buying tickets and focus not only on their price but also on your schedule and how comfortably the move fits with it. 

For example, if you have an online work meeting scheduled, you shouldn't schedule flights or relocations for that day. Try to organize your travel so that you have at least two days in one place without leaving or arriving for quiet work and exploring the country.

Be prepared for the unexpected

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Force majeure and surprises when traveling happen much more often than in normal life. It is unlikely to work out perfectly the first time, so it’s better not  to fly off to the other side of the world for your first attempt at combining travel and remote work. It's better to go somewhere where you've been before and know your way around. Practice, analyze your experience, and figure out what makes you feel more comfortable when organizing the process. This way, your enjoyment of the trip will only grow each time, and your productivity will be maintained.


Mastering the art of remote work requires a combination of discipline, technology, and strategic planning. The 15 tips in this article serve as a comprehensive guide to boosting productivity and maintaining a healthy work-life balance while traveling.

Haley Osborne

About the author

Haley Osborne

Haley Osborne is a creative freelance writer who is an expert in leadership and self-development. Also, Haley is a freelance guest post writer, and her goal is to write useful and inspiring content. In her spare time, Haley enjoys reading about all things innovative and in the field of technology. She also enjoys playing tennis and doing yoga on the weekends.

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