Article Structure:
1. How to Find a Free Slot in the Fastest Way?
At the top left of your calendar, you can access the Fast Booking Widget.

Select the service for which you want to find a slot, or enter a title.
ℹ️ Tip: You only have to enter a service or a title and a duration. All other fields are optional.

If you need certain resources for this booking, add them. In addition, you can edit the duration and set prep and follow-up times.
You can now choose in which time frame to search for free slots, and also from which date. Last but not least, you can also narrow down the search by time of day. Then click on Find slots to display the free slots.

Available dates are displayed by calendar week.
When you have found a suitable appointment, click on it. If there is no suitable appointment, return to the top of the page to edit your search criteria.
After you have selected a slot, you can add a customer. Once you click Save, your client and resource will receive an email confirmation.

2. Settings that Affect the Fast Booking Widget
Under the Settings menu item, you will also find the settings that affect the Fast Booking Widget. Click on the red editing pen at the top left and scroll down.

Under Fast Booking Widget: Slot Frequency, select the intervals at which the appointments should be displayed when you perform a search.
In the next point, Enable Advanced Search if you want to search for availabilities outside the -online booking and/or working hours of the resources.
ℹ️ Tip: If you would like to search outside the resources' online booking and/or working hours, make sure you have selected this option under Internal Scheduling Rules.